International Sequencing Consortium

Large-scale Sequencing Project Database

The genome sequencing data on this site is no longer maintained. While individual sequencing centers are still actively sequencing, the International Sequencing Consortium no longer submits data about the status of sequencing projects to the ISC database. Please see individual center sites or sequence databases for up to date information regarding sequencing projects.

View Sequencing Database

The Human Genome Project (HGP) has essentially completed the DNA sequence of the human genome, as well as the genomic sequences of D. melanogaster and C. elegans and produced highly advanced drafts of many other organisms. Together, these provide the foundation for the field of comparative genomics. Initial results of whole genome comparisons have clearly demonstrated that this approach will yield rich returns and will be critical in the further exploration of the genetic basis of both human and non-human biology. However, these initial results have also indicated the value of multi-species comparisons and that the sequences of the genomes of many more organisms will be required to fully explore the unknown world of genomic information.

While there is clearly still a critical need for more genomic sequences, there is also a strong commitment to sequencing the genomes of additional organisms. The world's genomic sequencing efforts have benefited greatly from the collaboration and communication among the participants in the HGP and other sequencing projects. It is clear that future large-scale genomic sequencing projects will continue to benefit from continuing these interactions.

The International Sequencing Consortium (ISC) was established to provide a forum for genomic sequencing groups and their funding agencies to share information, coordinate research efforts and address common issues raised by genomic sequencing, such as data release and data quality. Members of the ISC include the large-scale, high throughput sequencing centers and their funding agencies that have agreed to continue the generation of publicly available sequence data for unrestricted use by the research community (most of the sequencing projects included in this list adhere to the policy of rapid release of pre-publication data that has been established by the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) and The Wellcome Trust for efforts designated as "community resource projects").

The ISC has established this Web site to provide a single, central site for the scientific community and the public to have access to up-to-date information about animal, plant and other eukaryotic genomic sequencing projects. Users can view the sequencing status of a particular organism, on-going projects at a sequencing institution and projects receiving funding from a particular agency. It is not the intent of this Web site to capture information regarding mapping, fingerprinting, cDNA and EST projects. For additional information regarding full-length, cDNA sequencing, please see the Mammalian Gene Collection Web site.

Sequencing of the genomes bacteria, archaea and other protists has not been included in the ISC Web site due to the number, diversity and rapid turnover of these sequencing efforts. Information about this group of projects can be obtained from the Web sites of the Institute for Genomic Research, National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the NCBI Microbial List.

Users can access individual sequence traces though the trace repositories of the NCBI and Ensembl. Genome assemblies and their associated annotations are available through a number of genome browsers, such as the ones developed and supported at UCSC , Ensembl and NCBI, respectively. For additional genomics-related links please visit NHGRI's Online Research Resources.

We are interested to hear feedback from the community about the utility, accuracy and comprehensiveness of this site. Please feel free to send comments, questions.

Homepage last updated: April 9, 2013


Other Sequencing-Related Web Resources

Microbial Web Sites

JCVI Comprehensive Microbial Resource

NCBI Microbial List

Genome Browsers

University of California at Santa Cruz Genome Browser

Ensembl Genome Browser

National Center for Biotechnology Information MapViewer

Trace Archives

NCBI Trace Archive


NCBI Genome


NHGRI Large-Scale Genome Sequencing Program

American Healthcare Council



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